In late November 2024, Defra published a policy statement paper, confirming the final policy position on Simpler Recycling. Alongside this, Defra published a series of guidance and resources to support businesses, householders. and the waste sector with the transition to Simpler Recycling.

Household waste services guidance: Of relevance to Organics members, the Household waste services guidance outlines how waste collection authorities can provide good waste collection services, including for food waste. The guidance indicates that, ‘as is currently the case, waste collection authorities should continue to decide collection frequency and methodology for collecting the residual (non-recyclable waste) and dry recyclable waste streams, and do so in a way that meets local needs and provides value for money for the taxpayer.’ Waste collection authorities are advised to consider factors such as the type of premises, number of occupants, and storage space available when determining appropriate waste collection frequency and methods.

Workplace recycling guidance: The Workplace recycling guidance clarifies various elements of the requirements for workplaces, including which workplaces must follow the new rules, what obligations businesses have to separate dry recyclable waste, how businesses can find an appropriate waste collector, legal requirements and support available for workplaces and waste collectors, and non-compliance reporting.

Simpler Recycling Communications Toolkit: In addition to this written guidance, Defra has also launched a Simpler Recycling Communications Toolkit to help local authorities and private waste collectors inform their business and non-domestic customers about the required changes. Defra is inviting feedback on the toolkit via a survey in order to continuously develop and expand the platform as businesses work to align with the rollout of Simper Recycling.

Business of Recycling’ website: Defra and WRAP also worked together to launch the ‘Business of Recycling’ website, which provides a calculator tool to enable businesses to calculate the costs of their business waste, as well as further guidance tailored according to the type of workplace (e.g. guidance for offices, hospitality workplaces, healthcare facilities, etc.).