Our work on biowaste recycling encompasses biodegradable wastes, their composting and anaerobic digestion and wider waste management issues.  We run the leading representative group for the composting and AD sectors in respect of management of biodegradable wastes.

See the resources and news sections below for our latest work in this area.

Related Resources


Jul 23, 2024

Updating the EA’s Regulatory Appeals Process

The Environment Agency is seeking feedback from stakeholders on proposed updates to the regulatory appeals process.


Jul 22, 2024

REA publishes a draft response to the Northern Ireland DfE ‘Developing Biomethane Production’ Call for evidence

REA publishes a draft response to the Northern Ireland DfE ‘Developing Biomethane Production’ Call for evidence


Jul 9, 2024

Quality Protocol Revision

The Compost and Anaerobic Digestate Quality Protocols have been undergoing revision for some time. The revised documents are now called ‘Resource Frameworks’. Draft documents have been released for feedback from industry.