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Government publishes guidance on Slurry Infrastructure grant Round 2 for applicants
The Government has published guidance on Slurry Infrastructure grant Round 2 for applicants, and will host a webinar.
REview23, the REA’s annual state of the industry report, shows growth of renewables sector, but much further to go
REA Manifesto 2023
The REA has published the REA Manifesto 2023 in advance of the UK General Election.
REA’s authoritative annual report on the UK’s renewable energy and clean technology sector, mapping the energy transition on the path to net zero.
Developing a long-term strategy for bioresources in England
WaterUK makes available for wider circulation its full report on developing a long-term strategy for bioresources in England.
Organics Recycling and Biogas Magazine Autumn 2023
The REA have published the Autumn 2023 edition of the Organics Recycling and Biogas Magazine. Read the magazine in full here.
DES NZ Green Jobs Delivery Group survey – Biomethane
WRAP report on plastics in composts and digestates
WRAP have published a report looking at plastics in composts and digestates. The project also looked at potential impacts and mitigation.
Maximising resources, minimising waste programme
Government have published a new Maximising Resources, Minimising Waste programme. It was previously known as the Waste Prevention Programme for England.
Government response on food waste reporting by large businesses
The government has published its response to a consultation on improved food waste reporting by large food businesses in England.
Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee issue Call for Evidence on Government’s Resources & Waste Reforms for England
Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee issue Call for Evidence on Government’s Resources & Waste Reforms for England.
REA Response: National Grid ESO’s Consultation on Connections Reform
REA Response: Strategy and Policy Statement on Energy Policy in Great Britain
Guidance note on soil carbon
The British Society of Soil Science have published a guidance note for land managers on soil carbon, on definitions and measurement.
EU Green deal package includes soil health and food waste
EU Green deal package includes soil health and food waste
REA respond to consultation on the near elimination of biodegradable waste disposal in landfill from 2028
The REA have responded to a Defra consultation on the near elimination of biodegradable waste disposal in landfill from 2028.
Member Briefing: Government Response to the Considerations for Future CfD Rounds
Members Briefing: Government Response – Developing the UK Emissions Trading Scheme (UK ETS)
Review of Government Response to the development of the UK ETS
Update on maize seed dressing
UK regulations will prohibit the import of maize seed treated with widely-used chemicals from Europe. This has the potential to impact bioenergy production and the AD sector.
Scottish Government introduce Circular Economy Bill
The Scottish Government have introduced the Circular Economy (Scotland) Bill to Parliament, to establish a sustainable transition framework.