• Critical moment for the renewable energy and clean technology sectors.
  • Next administration will decide whether the UK meets its legally binding net zero carbon emissions targets or falls short.
  • The REA is a nonpartisan organisation that delivers evidence-based research and policy positions.

The Association for Renewable Energy and Clean Technology (REA) enthusiastically welcomes the Prime Minister’s announcement of a summer general election. This decision offers a crucial opportunity to advance the renewable energy agenda and address the pressing issue of climate change.

The REA is committed to ensuring that renewable energy and the transition to a zero-carbon economy are central topics in the forthcoming election campaigns. We look forward to engaging with all political parties to promote policies that support sustainable energy growth, innovation, and the UK’s legally binding net-zero carbon emissions targets.

The REA calls on all political parties to present robust, actionable plans that will drive the UK towards a sustainable energy future. We stand ready to work with all political parties during the election campaign and the future government to implement these plans, ensuring that the UK remains a leader in renewable energy innovation.

Read the REA 2024 Manifesto.

Rollo Maschietto, Public Affairs Manager, REA (Association for Renewable Energy and Clean Technology), said:

“The upcoming election is a pivotal moment for the UK. The next administration will make decisions that will determine whether we meet our net zero targets or fall short. The only way to ensure enduring energy security and an affordable energy system is by ending our reliance on volatile imported fossil fuels by moving to renewables and clean technologies. It is thanks to our members that the wider renewable and low carbon sector has grown, whilst delivering more value, resilient energy security, and developing the economy. This election is a chance for voters to prioritise climate action and for politicians to demonstrate their commitment to a greener future.”