Defra publish Waste Management Plan for England

Following a consultation, Defra have published the Waste Management Plan for England, along with an accompanying Environmental Report. The final document accounts for consultee comments.

The Waste Management Plan provides an analysis of waste management in England. The plan does not introduce new policies or change how waste is managed in England. Its aim is to bring current waste management policies together under one national plan.

This Waste Management Plan for England will fulfil the requirements of the Waste (England and Wales) Regulations 2011 for the waste management plan to be reviewed every six years. The Plan, and its associated documents, together with local authorities’ waste local plans and combined with the equivalent plans produced by the devolved administrations in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, and Gibraltar, will ensure that waste management plans are in place for the whole of the UK and Gibraltar.

The Waste Management Plan can be read in full here.

The Post Adoption Statement, which sets out how environmental factors, the Environmental Report and consultees’ opinions have been taken into account in deciding the final form of the Plan, can be read here.

A summary of the consultation responses to the consultation on the Waste Management Plan for England can be read here.