The Green Gas Certification Scheme and the REA have published a new paper which aims to provide more clarity on how the Guarantees of Origin (GoO) track the delivery of biomethane to consumers through the grid.
The paper explains what the GoO are, their current use, key differences from other documentation systems, key approaches to track grid delivery of biomethane and GoO recognition within current regulatory and policy schemes.
The paper focuses on biomethane but most principles would also apply to other renewable gases such as hydrogen.
The paper concludes that:
- the current Guarantees of Origin systems in place in the UK represent a robust documentation system for tracking grid delivery of biomethane to consumers;
- recognition for grid delivery of biomethane in UK policy landscape lacks consistency;
- clear recognition in the Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation (RTFO) and the Green Gas Levy (GGL) is not matched in other areas e.g. EU/UK ETS, heat network policy, Climate Change Levy;
- opportunities to engage consumers and drive demand for biomethane are being missed, and
- recognition within voluntary reporting schemes e.g. GHG Protocol, is also important and overlaps with government policy e.g. Streamlined Carbon and Energy Reporting.
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