REview 2016

The Authoritative Annual Report on the UK Renewable Energy Sector

View report

Renewable energy continues to grow to be a major player in the energy sector here in the UK. Despite last year’s political uncertainty both leading up to the 2015 General Election and following, it remains a business opportunity for the UK. Clean energy is one of the fastest growing industries in the world, and significant work is needed to upgrade our energy infrastructure for the challenges of the 21st century.

The 2016 Renewable Energy View (REview) builds on our 2015 report. In order to cover all the important aspects when describing an economy, we have teamed up with Innovas to produce robust employment data, broken down by technology and region. We’ve also collated official deployment figures recently published by Government Departments and compared them again to their 2020 projections – a key milestone. We look into each renewable energy technology and also new for this edition… the impact of energy storage and the potential of electric vehicles (EVs). Both will impact the future of low carbon transport and the wider energy infrastructure. We are pleased to have KPMG join us to share their insights on historic and projected investment trends – vital to giving a clue to future growth. We have worked with them to produce leading reports and their insight here is valuable.

Once again the feedback we have received on the value of this report to the industry is that it is THE most complete assessment to date of the UK renewable energy market.