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REA responds to news article focussing on Energy from Waste (EfW)
REA Welcomes Progress on Carbon Capture Cluster Programmes
Blog: Delivering BECCS is a critical part to making Britain a clean energy superpower
REA Response to Carbon Non-Pipeline Transport Call for Evidence
Members Discussion Slides on CCS Non-Pipeline Transport and UK ETS Waste Expansion
PowerPoint slides from recent REA member discussions on consultations relating to Non-Pipeline Transport for Carbon and the Extension of the UK ETS to the Waste Sector.
REA Response: GGR Business Models
REA response to the Greenhouse Gas Removal Business Model Consultation
REA Members Discussion: Engineered Greenhouse Gas Removals (GGR) Business Model Consultation
Slides from the REA Member’s Discussion on the GGR Business Model Consultation
UK ETS Consultation – Presentations from Member Discussions
Slides from the member discussions held in May 2022 concerning UK ETS proposals on Energy from Waste, Green Gas Removal and Biomass Sustainability
Materials for EA BAT Evidence Review for Post-Combustion Capture (PCC) at EfW plants
Materials for EA BAT Evidence Review for Post-Combustion Capture (PCC) at EfW plants
Proposed Energy From Waste Industrial Carbon Capture Business Model Slides
Slides from BEIS Stakeholder meetings on ICC Business Model
REA Update for Members on the 10 Point Plan and 2030/35 Announcement
REA Briefing for Members on the PM’s 10 Point Plan and 2030/35 Announcement