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Defra publish latest Covid-19 Waste Sector survey
Defra have published their latest Covid-19 Waste Sector Survey. The survey aims to understand the ongoing impacts of Covid-19 on the Waste Sector.
CIWM publish waste sector Covid Response and Resilience Report
The Chartered Institute for Waste Management (CIWM) have published the waste sector Covid Response and Resilience Report, based on input from stakeholders.
Waste companies wanted for Covid testing pilot
NHS Test and Trace is seeking to run 4-week testing pilots in different types of workplace and would like companies across the waste sector to take part.
EA Letter to Regulatory Stakeholders
A letter from the EA to regulatory stakeholders on their permitting services and changes to the COVID Regulatory Position Statements.
Scottish Government Publish Covid-19 Guidance for Waste Sector
Covid-19 guidance for the Scottish waste sector published by the Scottish Government.
Guidance on disposing of waste during Coronavirus
Defra have published guidance on how to dispose of waste including PPE and face coverings during the Coronavirus pandemic.
Environment Agency billing information letter
The Environment Agency have issued a letter with information about billing and payments during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Scottish Government thanks waste and resources sector
The Cabinet Secretary in Scotland has written a letter to the waste and resources sector thanking them for all their efforts during the pandemic.
Covid-19 testing for frontline workers
Testing for COVID-19 is being extended to include additional frontline workers who are symptomatic, and members of their household who are symptomatic. This will allow frontline workers to return to work if they, or members of their household, test negative for coronavirus.
Waste support – resource sharing platform
CIWM launches WasteSupport, a ‘virtual marketplace’ to support the resources and waste sector during the COVID-19 crisis. Zero Waste Scotland have also created a similar tool for Scotland.
Waste networking platform to link councils and private sector
CIWM are launching a resource sharing platform to enable local authorities and private sector to work together and facilitate the sharing of resources.
Defra’s recommendations on waste collections to prioritise during COVID-19 outbreak
This item includes recent communications between the REA and Defra regarding waste collection services and highlights Defra’s 7th April guidance to help English LAs to decide which waste collection services to prioritise during the coronavirus pandemic.