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Government response on food waste reporting by large businesses
The government has published its response to a consultation on improved food waste reporting by large food businesses in England.
REA policy on liners and re-purposed bags for collecting targeted food waste streams
REA policy on liners and re-purposed bags suitable for separate collection of targeted food waste streams in England.
EU Food Waste Briefing
Food waste briefing published by the EC to serve as independent evidence for EU policy.
WRAP report looking at food waste during lockdown
WRAP have published a report looking at citizens and food during lockdown. Findings show that people are managing food better leading to a reduction in food waste.
AD capacity available to take surplus food wastes during COVID-19 outbreak
This news item is about a joint trade association survey aimed at the AD sector to identify suitable AD plants for the various feedstocks that may become available during COVID-19 outbreak
Organics Recycling Magazine Autumn 2019
Organics Recycling Magazine : Targeting Zero Contamination. The plan for plastic-free feedstocks.
The Real Economic Benefit of Separate Biowaste Collections
The Real Economic Benefit of Separate Biowaste Collections