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Autumn 2024 Organics Recycling and Biogas Magazine
Download the Autumn 2024 edition of the Organics Recycling and Biogas Magazine!
Severn Trent Water Site Visit
On the 6th of September the REA and Severn Trent Water co-hosted a member meeting and site visit at the Finham Wastewater Treatment Works.
Progress Towards an EU Soil Monitoring Law
Progress towards the introduction of an EU Soil Monitoring Law
POSTnote: The Future of Fertiliser Use
UK Parliament released a new POSTnote on the challenges and opportunities associated with the future of fertiliser use.
European Commission Consultation on Nitrates Directive
On 1 December, the European Commission published a public consultation on the public’s interest in the Nitrates Directive. REA encourages any members involved with or affected by the Nitrates Directive to complete the consultation here. This consultation closes 8 March.
House of Commons EFRA Committee Report on Soil Health
The House of Commons EFRA Committee released a report on soil health on World Soil Day urging the UK government to prioritise soil health on par with air and water quality.
EU Green deal package includes soil health and food waste
EU Green deal package includes soil health and food waste
REA respond to Government soil health incentive
First meeting of the REA Soil Carbon Working Group
This news item include updates from the first conference call of the REA Soil Carbon Working Group.