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Draft Biomethane Quality Protocol / Resource Framework
The EA have released a draft Biomethane Resource framework (replacing the Quality Protocol) for industry comment.
REA Draft Response to Low Carbon Hydrogen Standard consultation
This items includes the REA Draft Response to Low Carbon Hydrogen Standard consultation
Presentations from Hydrogen member meetings now available
This item includes all the presentations from the member meetings hosted by the REA on the Hydrogen Package
REA policy on liners and re-purposed bags for collecting targeted food waste streams
REA policy on liners and re-purposed bags suitable for separate collection of targeted food waste streams in England.
Member briefing on Government Hydrogen Package
This resource item includes a briefing for REA members on the newly released Hydrogen Package
REA Response to IGEM Consultation on a standard for Gas Quality
This item includes the REA Response to IGEM Consultation on a standard for gas quality
Ofgem’s call for evidence on industry standards and practices for biomethane commissioning
Ofgem seeks views on industry standards and practices for biomethane commissioning