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Member Forums

(1062 results)

Presentations from our Biogas member meeting on 10th June

Jun 11, 2020

Presentations from our Biogas member meeting on 10th June

Presentations delivered at the Biogas meeting on 10th June regarding the REA response to the consultation on the future Green Gas Support Scheme

EV Forum – Consumer Offer member update

Jun 10, 2020

EV Forum – Consumer Offer member update

REA communication to EV Forum members on consumer experience of charging.

EV Forum – Accessibility of EVSE briefing – V2

Jun 10, 2020

EV Forum – Accessibility of EVSE briefing – V2

Draft REA communication on accessibility of charging infrastructure.

EV Forum – Rapid Charging Fund – draft positions for comment

Jun 8, 2020

EV Forum – Rapid Charging Fund – draft positions for comment

Draft REA communication for member review on the Rapid Charging Fund.

EV Forum – Agenda for meeting 11 June 2020

Jun 5, 2020

EV Forum – Agenda for meeting 11 June 2020

Agenda for the REA EV Forum ad-hoc member meeting 11 June 2020.

Members Briefing: COVID-19 Business Rates

Jun 4, 2020

Members Briefing: COVID-19 Business Rates

Members Briefing: COVID-19 Business Rates

REA Response to CfD Consultation on Proposed Amendments to the Scheme

Jun 2, 2020

REA Response to CfD Consultation on Proposed Amendments to the Scheme

The REA’s response to the proposed amendments to the CfD

REA Power Member Briefing – BSUoS Cost Spreading – CMP345

Jun 2, 2020

REA Power Member Briefing – BSUoS Cost Spreading – CMP345

A briefing for REA members involved in electricity generation (transmission & distribution connected), energy storage, finance, and energy supply on CMP345 proposing to defer increased BSUoS costs incurred this summer due to COVID-19.

REA Response to RHI Stakeholder Notice “Changes to RHI Support and Covid-19 Response”

Jun 1, 2020

REA Response to RHI Stakeholder Notice “Changes to RHI Support and Covid-19 Response”

Summary of the REA’s response to RHI Stakeholder Notice

REA Draft High-Level Policy Position on OLEV’s 2035 Response

Jun 1, 2020

REA Draft High-Level Policy Position on OLEV’s 2035 Response

This item includes a draft high-level policy response to the OLEV consultation on phasing out the sale of new petrol and diesel cars and vans by 2035, issued by the REA for member feedback.

EV Forum Member Newsletter – May 2020

Jun 1, 2020

EV Forum Member Newsletter – May 2020

Newsletter for members of the REA EV Forum

REA Webinar with BEIS on the Clean Heat Grant Scheme

May 22, 2020

REA Webinar with BEIS on the Clean Heat Grant Scheme

Recording and slides from the Clean Heat Grant Scheme Webinar

Member Briefing on BEIS & Ofgem workshop – Facilitating the Deployment of Energy Storage at Every Scale

May 22, 2020

Member Briefing on BEIS & Ofgem workshop – Facilitating the Deployment of Energy Storage at Every Scale

Member Briefing on BEIS & Ofgem workshop – Facilitating the Deployment of Energy Storage at Every Scale

REA member briefing on Capacity Market changes

May 20, 2020

REA member briefing on Capacity Market changes

Briefing for members on major changes, including introduction of an emissions threshold.

Update on Quality Protocols

May 15, 2020

Update on Quality Protocols

Following the EA’s call for evidence on the Quality Protocols earlier this year, this is an update on where we are and what to expect over the next few months.

Covid-19 Return to Work Guidance for Employers in England

May 15, 2020

Covid-19 Return to Work Guidance for Employers in England

National Grid ESO Letter to Industry on Disconnections only in Exceptional Circumstances and the REA’s Draft Response on CfD Proposals

May 14, 2020

National Grid ESO Letter to Industry on Disconnections only in Exceptional Circumstances and the REA’s Draft Response on CfD Proposals

National Grid ESO Letter to Industry on Disconnections only in Exceptional Circumstances and the REA’s Draft Response on CfD Proposals

Defra guidance on re-opening Household Waste Recycling Centres

May 11, 2020

Defra guidance on re-opening Household Waste Recycling Centres

The government has published guidance for local authorities on how they can safely re-open their Household Waste and Recycling Centres but only where social distancing can be maintained and the public and staff can be kept safe.