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REA responds to comments on BECCS made by the Shadow Net Zero Secretary
Integrating Greenhouse Gas Removals into the UK Emissions Trading Scheme – REA response
Following member feedback, the REA has responded to the Integrating Greenhouse Gas Removals into the UK Emissions Trading Scheme consultation.
REA comments on Ember’s annual review of CO2 emissions
Blog: Delivering BECCS is a critical part to making Britain a clean energy superpower
REA responds to National Audit Office report on CCUS progress
REA response to MP letter on Biomass and BECCS
REA responds to MPs’ letter calling for restriction on Biomass Power Subsidies
REA response to proposed amendments to CfD Allocation Round 7 and future rounds consultation
REA response to Transitional Support Mechanism for Large-Scale Biomass Generators Consultation
Biomass Strategy: Call for Evidence – REA Response
REA response to the call for evidence
Members Briefing – Government Biomass Strategy Call for Evidence
Members Briefing on the Government’s Biomass Strategy Call for Evidence