The Environment Agency (EA) have published guidance on developing a management system for environmental permits, and a summary briefing on embedding climate change adaptation in Environmental Permitting Regulations (EPR) into management systems.

The guidance page, which can be read here, outlines how permitted parties can fulfil the requirement of their permits to have a written management system.

As of the 1st April 2023, these management systems are required to integrate climate change adaptation planning. A climate change adaptation risk assessment will need to be completed by 1st Apriil 2024. Considerations as part of climate change adaptation include:

  • higher average temperatures
  • more heat waves
  • rising sea levels
  • changes in rainfall patterns and intensity
  • more storms

The summary briefing, which can be read here, provides further details on what regulated businesses are required to do in this area, and how they can meet the requirements.

UPDATED: As of 17th May, a climate change adaptation good practice guidance template has been published, and can be read here.

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