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SR2023 No1
Te EA published a new standard rules permit to capture, treat and store biogas from lagoons and tanks (SR2023 No1).
Landspreading in the News
The EA Mobile Plant Team has published their Summer 2024 edition of Landspreading in the News.
Environment Agency: R&D Standard Rules Consultation
The Environment Agency (EA) has opened a public consultation on new standard rules permits for research and development (R&D) at installation. Please contact Claire with any questions or feedback before Friday, the 25th of October to be included in an REA draft response.
Updating the EA’s Regulatory Appeals Process
The REA responds to the Environment Agency’s consultation on proposed updates to the regulatory appeals process.
Quality Protocol Revision
The Compost and Anaerobic Digestate Quality Protocols have been undergoing revision for some time. The revised documents are now called ‘Resource Frameworks’. Draft documents have been released for feedback from industry.
EA RPS on Insect Manure in Compost and Anaerobic Digestion
The EA has published a RPS on composting and AD activities using insect manure (frass).
EA Consultation on technically competent manager (TCM) attendance at permitted sites
Response to Environment Agency Standard Rules Consultation No.27
EA consultation on methane capture
EA have published a consultation on a new standard rules permit for operators to collect and store biogas from a lagoon or tank and upgrade that biogas to biomethane.
EA publish guidance and briefing on embedding climate change adaptation into management systems
EA publish guidance and briefing on embedding climate change adaptation into management systems.
Environment Agency’s Landspreading Guidance available for feedback
The Environment Agency has published its reformatted landspreading guidance for feedback, until 19th August.
EA publishes consultation response on Changes to Technically Competent Manager Attendance
The Environment Agency has published their consultation response discussing Changes to Technically Competent Manager Attendance requirements.
Environment Agency Regulatory Position Statement on waste codes not otherwise specified – ‘99’ codes
Environment Agency publish Regulatory Position Statement on waste codes not otherwise specified – ‘99’ codes
REA responds to Farming Rules for Water update
Guidance published on Non-hazardous and inert waste: appropriate measures for permitted facilities
Guidance has been published by the EA on Non-hazardous and inert waste: appropriate measures for permitted facilities.
New EA consultation published – Environmental permit competence requirements: changes to technically competent manager attendance
New EA consultation published – Environmental permit competence requirements: changes to technically competent manager attendance
REA Response: ‘Best Available Techniques’: a future regime within the UK
REA Response to DEFRA consultation
Scottish Government launch £70m fund to improve recycling
The Scottish Government have launched the £70m Recycling Improvement Fund to improve recycling infrastructure across Scotland.
Consultation outcome published for Non-hazardous and inert waste: appropriate measures for permitted facilities
The Environment Agency (EA) have published their consultation outcome for “Non-hazardous and inert waste: appropriate measures for permitted facilities”.
EA information for Waste Sector regarding Brexit
The EA have issued some key messages for the Waste sector regarding the end of the EU transition period.