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(481 results)

NEWS & PRESS RELEASES - Aug 22, 2019

REA responds to the Science and Technology Committee’s report on Clean Growth

Earlier today the Science and Technology Committee released their report Clean Growth: Technologies for meeting the UK’s emissions reductions targetsThe REA’s CEO Nina Skorupska submitted written and oral evidence to the session earlier this year.

BLOG - Aug 20, 2019

Regulation Island: Will electric car charging thrive after OLEV intervention?

Pushed out just days before Boris Johnson’s great reshuffle, the UK’s Office for Low Emission Vehicles (OLEV) delivered two consultations, two calls for evidence, and a major market announcement – all of which effectively amount to transforming the largely unregulated charging infrastructure sector into a regulated one.

NEWS & PRESS RELEASES - Aug 13, 2019

EA to review all 13 Quality Protocols

Quality Protocols (QPs) are end of waste frameworks, recognised by the Environment Agency and used by industry on a voluntary basis to identify the point at which waste, having been fully recovered, may be regarded as a non-waste product. This means the waste derived material can be used in specified markets without the need for waste regulation controls.

NEWS & PRESS RELEASES - Aug 12, 2019

REA comment on doubling of on-street residential EV charging fund

Transport Secretary doubles the size of the On-street Residential Charging Fund by adding an extra £2.5mFund helps Local Authorities install charging infrastructure on-streetEmbargoed Department for Transport press release below.

BLOG - Aug 9, 2019

Keep it clean – A composters guide to household garden waste

Since 2017 the UK has been swept up in the Blue Planet effect. A grass roots revolution sparked by one infamous episode has seen awareness of plastics in the ocean sky rocket and contributed to the use of single-use plastic bags in major supermarkets dropping by a third in the past year.


‘Highest monthly market share on record’ for Battery Electric Vehicles

SMMT reports surge in sales for Battery Electric Vehicles in the UK in July 2019 (over July 2018) – up 158.1%. Battery Electric Vehicles now comprise 1.4% of new car sales (in July 2019)REA comment on the figures.

NEWS & PRESS RELEASES - Jul 31, 2019

REA targets plastics in garden waste following 90% slash in plastic bag sales

The Government has today announced that the sale of single-use plastic bags from the largest retailers have fallen 90% following the introduction of the 5p charge on single use carrier bags in 2015.

BLOG - Jul 30, 2019

Guest post: Navigating the EV revolution

Negative emissions (sometimes also referred to as Greenhouse Gas Removals or GGRs) are achieved when we remove carbon dioxide from the earth’s atmosphere.

NEWS & PRESS RELEASES - Jul 23, 2019

REA calls upon new Government to honour net zero commitments

Coming into this role, Boris Johnson has a lot of work ahead of him, from appointing the new cabinet to working towards Brexit, the next few months are set to be full steam ahead. However, in this time it is crucial that the UK’s commitment to achieving net zero emissions by 2050 does not slip. In order to achieve our legally binding targets and rectify the policy gap highlighted in the Committee on Climate Change’s recent progress report; a far-reaching, long-term and bold approach to policy making. 

NEWS & PRESS RELEASES - Jul 22, 2019

Industry progress on the sustainability of UCO and other wastes for biodiesel production

The UK is one of the most successful European countries in utilising wastes for biofuels as a replacement for fossil fuels in our road vehicles. As a direct result of UK policy, significant investments have been made here to manufacture biodiesel from all sorts of wastes, from used cooking oils to sewage grease (‘fatbergs’) and many others in between that often otherwise end up in landfills.

NEWS & PRESS RELEASES - Jul 19, 2019

Matt Western MP elected as new chair of the APPG on Electric Vehicles

Matt Western MP has been elected as the new Chair of the APPG on Electric Vehicles (EVs) following an election held on Monday 15th July. Former Chair Rebecca Pow MP announced that she would be stepping down from the position last month following her new role as a Parliamentary Under-Secretary at the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport.

NEWS & PRESS RELEASES - Jul 11, 2019

REA Comments on National Grid ESO’s Future Energy Scenarios

Today the National Grid ESO, with their latest Future Energy Scenarios, has reemphasised the scale of the transformation needed to decarbonise our power, heating and transport sectors to meet our 2050 decarbonisation targets.

NEWS & PRESS RELEASES - Jul 10, 2019

REA comments on CCC Progress Report

“Today’s CCC progress report must be the starting gun for Government to get on and deliver the UK’s legally binding ambitions to have net zero emissions by 2050. The report reflects the status of renewable and clean tech markets today, with a dearth of polices constraining the pipeline of power, heat and transport projects needed to deliver immediate carbon reductions.

What’s more this policy gap is currently expected to grow, support for renewable heat technologies – under the RHI – is set to come to an end in 2021, transport targets continue to lack sufficient ambition and some of the cheapest renewable power technologies lack a viable route to market. This current stasis puts supply chains and jobs at risk, while also slowing innovation which will be crucial to further decarbonisation in the future.

NEWS & PRESS RELEASES - Jun 25, 2019

BECCS critical to achieving a net zero Britain

The REA has today launched a new paper calling for action to be taken to ensure BECCS fulfils its potential in achieving a net zero Britain by 2050.The Committee on Climate Change (CCC) has stated that achieving net zero is not possible without a range of greenhouse gas removal strategies. BECCS, the capture and permanent storage of CO2 released in bioenergy processes, has a central role to play within this.BECCS is already a prominent concept in the climate change debate due to its capacity to provide ‘negative emissions, a net removal of CO2 from the atmosphere, compensating for slower emission reductions in hard to decarbonise sectors.

NEWS & PRESS RELEASES - Jun 24, 2019

Smart EV charging good for decarbonisation and the electricity system

REA comments on Government press release highlighting how all new grant-funded home chargepoints need to be ‘smart’ by 1 July.

NEWS & PRESS RELEASES - Jun 24, 2019

Solar & battery storage tax hike legislation laid on same day as Net Zero debate

Dr Nina Skorupska, Chief Executive of the Renewable Energy Association (REA) and challenger renewable energy supplier Good Energy are calling on the Chancellor of the Exchequer to rescind legislation laid today that will increase VAT rates on solar PV with battery storage, and on biomass boilers. 

NEWS & PRESS RELEASES - Jun 20, 2019

REA welcomes Energy Networks Association’s six steps for delivering flexibility services report

Today the Energy Networks Association (ENA) published their report: Building a more efficient, smarter, cleaner energy system: Our six steps for delivering flexibility services.

NEWS & PRESS RELEASES - Jun 18, 2019

REA welcomes the news that the UK will likely be hosting COP26

The Government has today announced that the UK and Italy have issued a joint proposal for the Presidency of the UN’s 26th climate change conferenceIf successful the UK would be hosting the 26th Conference of the Parties (COP) event in the UK with Italy hosting the pre-COP event.