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NEWS & PRESS RELEASES - Mar 28, 2019

Total energy production from renewables is now nearly 13 times higher than coal

Government data shows that the overall energy output from bioenergy and waste, wind, solar and hydro is now nearly 13 times higher than coal. This comes just seven years after generation from coal was greater. Renewables share of electricity generation was at a record high in 2018 producing 111 TWh with a 33.3% share.

NEWS & PRESS RELEASES - Mar 27, 2019

Shortlist announced for the UK’s most prestigious renewable energy and clean technologies awards

The REA has today released the shortlisted nominees for the 2019 British Renewable Energy Awards, the UK’s most prestigious awards for renewable and clean technology sectors. Nominees will be considered by an esteemed judging panel on the 23rd May. The full list of judges will be announced over the coming weeks. Now in its fourteenth […]

NEWS & PRESS RELEASES - Mar 26, 2019


The UK’s leading renewables trade body has called on Ministers to renew long-term plans for a world-leading bioenergy industry.

Bioenergy, which uses sustainable biomass and biofuels produced from wood, crops and food wastes, is already the UK’s leading source of renewable energy, meeting 7.4% of our total energy needs. Only wind exceeds its output in the renewable power sector.

The Committee on Climate Change projected last year that bioenergy could double as a proportion of the UK’s primary energy supply by 2050. However, promises made in 2012 by the Coalition government to renew its strategy by 2017 failed to materialise, leaving the sector to drift. The gaps in the policy and regulatory framework are now growing, with existing support mechanisms ending, and the pipeline for future bioenergy projects being constrained.

NEWS & PRESS RELEASES - Mar 21, 2019

16MW Solar PV Projects could be “Ghosted” by Government due to FiT deployment cap breach

With the closure of the government support mechanism for microgeneration just 10 days away, the Feed-in-Tariff band for over 50kWp rooftop solar projects has been breached. Ofgem’s weekly capacity updates show that an additional 16MW of projects (which could power over 3300 homes) have been registered, although these risk being “ghosted” by the government scheme due to stringent capacity band caps.

NEWS & PRESS RELEASES - Mar 19, 2019

REA comments on the Future of Urban Mobility Strategy

The Department for Transport released their Future of Urban Mobility Strategy alongside a response to the Last Mile Call for Evidence. The Government claims the new Strategy will aim to maximise the benefits from transport innovation in cities and towns. The Strategy includes a £90m funding competition to support local leaders and industry in trialling new mobility services, modes and models and an ambitious regulatory review covering aspects such as data sharing. The REA urges the Government to address the issues outlined in the Last Mile Delivery consultation and prioritise the interoperability of public EV charging as outlined in the REA’s The Interoperability of public EV charging networks in the UK report.

NEWS & PRESS RELEASES - Mar 13, 2019

Positive Commitments for the industry announced in Spring Statement

In the Spring Statement the Chancellor announced: a Consultation later this year on increasing the proportion of green gas in the grid with the aim of reducing natural gas dependency in homes and businesses; a Call for Evidence on an Energy Efficiency Scheme for Small and Medium Sized Businesses exploring how the Government can support investment in energy efficiency measures; as part of the Industrial Strategy Grand Challenge the introduction of a Future Homes Standard by 2025 to see fossil fuel heating systems replaced with low carbon heating and energy efficiency measures; a Call for Evidence on Offsetting Transport Emissions which will give consumers the option to offset emissions from their journeys.


Rebecca Pow announced as new chair of the APPG on Electric Vehicles

Rebecca Pow MP has been elected as the new Chair of the APPG on Electric Vehicles after being nominated by former Chair, the Rt Hon Dame Cheryl Gillan MP. Dame Cheryl announced that she would be stepping down as Chair after successfully establishing the group and supporting its membership growth to over 40 parliamentarians over the past year. She will continue to be involved in the APPG in her new role as Vice Chair.

NEWS & PRESS RELEASES - Feb 27, 2019

New report urges UK EV industry to prioritise consumer ease of using public charging points

A new report and position paper released today from the REA is making the case that greater ‘interoperability’ between EV charging networks in the UK should be an industry priority.

The REA is the UK’s largest trade association for renewable energy and clean tech, representing around 70 companies operating in the UK’s EV charging sector including energy suppliers, manufacturers, charge point installers and operators, and financiers.

NEWS & PRESS RELEASES - Feb 18, 2019

REA Welcomes Government’s proposals to reform waste system

Earlier today the Government announced their plans to overhaul the waste system through a series of consultations. The four consultations focus on reforming the UK packaging producer responsibility system, consistency in Household and Business Recycling Collections in England, introducing a Deposit Return Scheme (DRS) in England, Wales and Northern Ireland and introducing a tax on plastic packaging which does not meet a minimum threshold of at least 30% recycled content.This comes exactly two months after the Resource and Waste Strategy was published promising to introduce mandatory food waste collections by 2023.


Drax to capture up to a tonne of CO2 each day as part of their world-first BECCS pilot

Drax has announced that the first carbon dioxide has been captured as part of their bioenergy carbon capture and storage (BECCS) pilot. This is the first-time carbon dioxide has been captured from the combustion of 100% biomass feedstock anywhere in the world. The pilot has been capturing up to a tonne of CO2 a day which would otherwise be released into the atmosphere.


REA comments on The Global Warming Policy Foundation’s Energy Storage report

The Global Warming Policy Foundation published their Grid-Scale Storage: Can it solve the intermittency problem? report. The report claims that the lack of suitable storage technologies means that intermittent renewables cannot replace dispatchable coal, gas and nuclear power. The report also adds that due to this, a sensible energy policy cannot be based on them.


ENA introduce new standardised process for charge points in all types of properties and businesses

Energy Networks Association (ENA) has introduced a new standardised process that will cut the paperwork required for charge point installations. The standardised process covers all types of properties and businesses and will be the first time that commercial properties have been included.The process will also cover connecting heat pumps to local networks.


GHG emissions have fallen 42% since 1990 amid Government’s £6m pledge supporting green taxis

New data published today by BEIS has found that total Green House Gas (GHG) emissions have fallen by 42% between 1990 and 2017 with a 38% reduction in carbon dioxide emissions.The data also found that between 2016 and 2017, energy supply and the residential sector saw the largest reductions in emissions at 8% and 4% respectively. Further analysis from Carbon Brief has found that without shifts towards renewable power generation and energy-efficiency, carbon emissions could have been double that of the 1990 statistics.

NEWS & PRESS RELEASES - Jan 21, 2019

REA launches bioenergy review with new Call for Evidence

The REA has launched a far-reaching review into the future of bioenergy in the UK. Bioenergy is energy generated from bio-based fuels, such as wood pellets and biodiesel. The review comes shortly after the Committee on Climate Change (CCC) estimated bioenergy’s contribution to UK total energy could more than double by 2050. The International Energy Agency (IEA) described bioenergy as ‘the overlooked giant of renewables’. The review is expected to form a new policy strategy for government and industry, outlining how bioenergy can fulfil its long-term potential in a low-carbon energy mix..

NEWS & PRESS RELEASES - Jan 17, 2019

Greg Clark reaffirms the potential of renewables

In a speech made earlier today regarding the suspension of the Hitachi nuclear programme, Secretary of State Greg Clark claimed that renewable technologies are not only ‘cheap, but also readily available.’ This comes just two months after claiming ‘cheap power is now green power’ in his speech After the Trilemma.

NEWS & PRESS RELEASES - Jan 14, 2019

BEIS release positive proposals on planning for energy storage devices

Earlier today the Government released their Treatment of Electricity Storage Within the Planning System consultation. The proposals will mean that co-located storage and renewables projects in England will not need to go through the time-consuming national planning process if either the capacity of the storage element is less than 50MW or the capacity excluding any electricity storage is less than 50MW. This is an issue that the REA has campaigned for action on over the past few years.

NEWS & PRESS RELEASES - Jan 14, 2019

REA response to Clean Air Strategy

Government have today released the Clean Air Strategy. This follows on from a draft proposal and consultation in May 2018. Whilst the REA welcome the ambitions of the Clean Air Strategy, we urge the Government to commit to strong sector specific policies and take into account contemporary evidence on the role of bioenergy in meeting carbon targets. The REA urge the Government to focus on alternative courses of action to improve urban air quality through the uptake of electric vehicles and renewable transport fuels.