News & Blog

(481 results)

NEWS & PRESS RELEASES - Aug 31, 2018

Government further undermines biomass power

NEWS & PRESS RELEASES - Aug 29, 2018

Introducing cleaner petrol should not be delayed

NEWS & PRESS RELEASES - Aug 17, 2018

Petition: Mandate solar PV on new homes

NEWS & PRESS RELEASES - Jul 30, 2018

EAC report highlights declining renewables investment and policy change

REA comments on Government response to Environmental Audit Committee green energy investment report.

NEWS & PRESS RELEASES - Jul 27, 2018

Biowaste sector’s position paper highlights measures that support plastics-free composts & digestate

The Renewable Energy Association has worked with the Anaerobic Digestion and Bioresources Association (ADBA) to develop a position paper on keeping plastics out of digestates and composts.

NEWS & PRESS RELEASES - Jul 24, 2018

Government’s proposals will fail to deliver greener petrol

The REA has criticised ongoing Government delays and questioned its ability to deliver E10 following proposals published on 20th July.

NEWS & PRESS RELEASES - Jul 20, 2018

AEV Act kick-starts race to build leading national charging network

EV charging infrastructure network set to be given boost as Automated and Electric Vehicles Act receives Royal Assent

NEWS & PRESS RELEASES - Jul 19, 2018

REA FiT response comment: good words need good deeds

Commenting on the launch of the consultation on the closure of the Feed-in Tariff

NEWS & PRESS RELEASES - Jul 10, 2018

Encouraging starting point for electric vehicles

The Road to Zero strategy is a very encouraging starting point which will address some of the most immediate challenges for electric vehicles.

NEWS & PRESS RELEASES - Jun 20, 2018

Quality, Quality, Quality

NEWS & PRESS RELEASES - Jun 14, 2018

UK-produced Green Gas now being used to fuel vehicles