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The Role of Enhanced Weathering and Rock Dust-Amended Compost
A running briefing summarising any research on enhanced rock weathering or rock-dust amended compost.
Quality Protocol Revision
The Compost and Anaerobic Digestate Quality Protocols have been undergoing revision for some time. The revised documents are now called ‘Resource Frameworks’. Draft documents have been released for feedback from industry.
Nutrient Management Expert Group Report and Government Response
This report sets out recommendations from the NMEG to Defra on the optimal policy approach to reduce pollution from nutrients in agriculture. The Government response has also been published.
Saving the planet with compost!
International Compost Awareness Week 2024 – Nature’s Climate Champion
International Compost Awareness Week 2024
From May 5th to May 11th, we invite you to join us in celebrating International Compost Awareness Week (ICAW) 2024! This year’s theme, “COMPOST… Nature’s Climate Champion,” underscores the vital role composting plays in combating climate change.
The LIFE BIOBEST Project identifies key challenges within the bio-waste management cycle and provides policy and regulatory recommendations to address the identified barriers.
Recent Research on Physical Contaminants in MSW Compost
Environmental Advances recently published an article that covers the management of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) through composting and the challenges posed by physical contaminants in MSW feedstocks.
A Reminder on the Waste Hierarchy for Food and Drink Waste
This briefing provides an overview of the Defra waste hierarchy for food and drink waste with useful links to reference.
POSTnote: The Future of Fertiliser Use
UK Parliament released a new POSTnote on the challenges and opportunities associated with the future of fertiliser use.
House of Commons EFRA Committee Report on Soil Health
The House of Commons EFRA Committee released a report on soil health on World Soil Day urging the UK government to prioritise soil health on par with air and water quality.
PAC Report on Delayed Collections and Packaging Reforms
Briefing on the Public Accounts Committee report on Defra’s collections and packaging reforms.
Practitioner’s Guide to Preventing and Managing Contaminants in Organic Waste Recycling
ISWA’s Biological Waste Treatment group have published a report providing information on the potential impacts of contaminants that may enter organic waste streams and how they can be prevented or removed.
Enrich the Earth project on circular economy collaboration launches
Enrich the Earth, a collaborative project between various organic circular economy companies, has now launched.
Government publishes guidance on Slurry Infrastructure grant Round 2 for applicants
The Government has published guidance on Slurry Infrastructure grant Round 2 for applicants, and will host a webinar.
The UK will not remain a world leader through confusing retraction of commitments
WRAP report on plastics in composts and digestates
WRAP have published a report looking at plastics in composts and digestates. The project also looked at potential impacts and mitigation.
Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee issue Call for Evidence on Government’s Resources & Waste Reforms for England
Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee issue Call for Evidence on Government’s Resources & Waste Reforms for England.
Guidance note on soil carbon
The British Society of Soil Science have published a guidance note for land managers on soil carbon, on definitions and measurement.
Reports on safety of compost and digestates
Reports covering the safety of compost and digestates, from WRAP, Zero Waste Scotland, and the European Commission.