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Consultation opens on the Waste Prevention Programme for England
Defra has opened a consultation on “the Waste Prevention Programme for England: Towards a Resource Efficient Economy.” It sets out priorities for waste management.
Consultation outcome published for Non-hazardous and inert waste: appropriate measures for permitted facilities
The Environment Agency (EA) have published their consultation outcome for “Non-hazardous and inert waste: appropriate measures for permitted facilities”.
REA responds to BSI’s consultation on draft PAS 115
On 26th February the REA submitted its response to the British Standards Institution’s public consultation draft of PAS 115.
Landfill Gas Forum: meeting notes
Meeting notes from the Landfill Gas Forum meeting on 23rd February 2021.
Final Red Diesel consultation outcome published
HM Treasury has published the final outcome of the consultation on reforms to the tax treatment of red diesel and other rebated fuels.
Defra publish Waste Management Plan for England
Following a consultation, Defra have published the Waste Management Plan for England, along with an accompanying Environmental Report.
WRAP Review: Technologies to optimise the value of digestate
Waste and Resources Action Plan publish review of various technologies which can optimise the value of digestate, including examples of technologies.
WRAP Industry Survey Report: anaerobic digestion and composting
Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP) publish latest Industry Survey Report on anaerobic digestion and composting for 2020.
Scottish Government’s consultations on banning oxo-degradables and specific single-use plastics
WISH information on Covid and Waste Management Activities – UPDATED 06/01/21
WISH has produced an information document on managing COVID-19 risks in the context of a range of waste management activities.
Defra publish latest Covid-19 Waste Sector survey
Defra have published their latest Covid-19 Waste Sector Survey. The survey aims to understand the ongoing impacts of Covid-19 on the Waste Sector.
BEIS releases new consultation on digestate use and management under the GGSS
BEIS have released a new consultation on digestate use and management under the GGSS. The REA will host a working group to discuss an REA response.
CIWM publish waste sector Covid Response and Resilience Report
The Chartered Institute for Waste Management (CIWM) have published the waste sector Covid Response and Resilience Report, based on input from stakeholders.
EA information for Waste Sector regarding Brexit
The EA have issued some key messages for the Waste sector regarding the end of the EU transition period.
Scottish Government Briefing on Brexit Waste Management and EA Briefing on International Waste Shipments
Includes a briefing on EU Exit and Waste Management from the Scottish Government, along with specific guidance from the EA on what is required for the International Shipments of Waste.
EA Reviews Quality Protocols: compost, anaerobic digestate, and poultry litter
The EA has published the response to its reviews on the first three Quality Protocols: compost, anaerobic digestate, and poultry litter.
EA Consultation on Measures for Permitted Waste Facilities
The Environmental Agency (EA) has launched a consultation on appropriate measures for permitted waste facilities including the enclosure of waste in a building.
REA Response to Welsh SUPs Consultation
The REA has responded to Welsh Government’s proposals to ban 8 specific single-use plastic item types and all oxo-degradable plastics.
EU launches their Methane Strategy
This news item includes updates from the Commission on the launch of their Strategy to reduce methane emissions
International Waste Shipments – Consented Shipments between GB and EU
The EA details the agreements it has obtained from EU Member States for the continuation of consented waste shipments from GB to the EU after January 2021.