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Defra’s residual waste infrastructure capacity note
Defra has released a note on residual waste infrastructure capacity, providing projections and analysis to 2035.
Changes to EA’s regulatory appeals process
The Environment Agency are making changes to their regulatory appeals process. They are introducing a two-stage appeals process designed to resolve issues efficiently.
Scotland’s circular economy and waste route map to 2030
Scottish Government have published a route map that identifies priorities to 2030 that will help progress to a circular economy. The route map sets out a plan to deliver 11 priority actions.
Simpler Recycling Policy Update – November 2024
Defra have released an update on Simpler Recycling confirming the co-collection of materials for recycling.
COP29: Methane Reduction from Organic Waste Pledge
The REA Organics team is pleased to see the COP29 Presidency recognise the importance of the waste and resources sector via a ‘Methane Reduction from Organic Waste’ pledge.
Severn Trent Water Site Visit
On the 6th of September the REA and Severn Trent Water co-hosted a member meeting and site visit at the Finham Wastewater Treatment Works.
SEPA’s EASR Consultation Analysis
The Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) consulted on their proposed changes to the Environmental Authorisation (Scotland) Regulations (EASR) in January 2024, receiving 63 responses. They recently published their analysis of the consultation responses.
Scotland’s Circular Economy and Waste Route Map to 2030: Consultation Response Analysis
The Scottish Government consulted on their updated ‘Circular Economy and Waste Route Map to 2030’ from January to March of 2024, receiving 156 responses. They recently published their analysis of the consultation responses
REA Response to UK Emissions Trading Scheme Scope Expansion: Waste consultation
Following member feedback, the REA has responded to the UK Emissions Trading Scheme Scope Expansion: Waste consultation.
Environment Improvement Plan (EIP) Annual Progress Report and Rapid Review
Defra published an EIP annual progress report covering April 2023 to March 2024. The report describes actions taken towards the 10 goals, and associated targets, set under the Environment Act 2021.
Member discussion: UK ETS Waste Expansion consultation
Duty of Care Obligations
Download a reminder on duty of care obligations for waste holders.
Progress Towards an EU Soil Monitoring Law
Progress towards the introduction of an EU Soil Monitoring Law
The LIFE BIOBEST Project identifies key challenges within the bio-waste management cycle and provides policy and regulatory recommendations to address the identified barriers.
Recent Research on Physical Contaminants in MSW Compost
Environmental Advances recently published an article that covers the management of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) through composting and the challenges posed by physical contaminants in MSW feedstocks.
A Reminder on the Waste Hierarchy for Food and Drink Waste
This briefing provides an overview of the Defra waste hierarchy for food and drink waste with useful links to reference.
How Fife Council is Tackling Food Waste
Fife council takes steps to improve food waste collections from communal flats.
PAC Report on Delayed Collections and Packaging Reforms
Briefing on the Public Accounts Committee report on Defra’s collections and packaging reforms.
Response to UK EPR consultation and draft list of 13 material types to disincentivise
REA responds to government’s consultation on draft UK-wide Producer Responsibility Obligations (Packaging and Packaging Waste) Regulations and their draft list of 13 material types to disincentivise.
Simpler Recycling reforms published
Government have published their post consultation response on Simpler Recycling (previously known as Consistency in Household and Business Recycling in England). The response includes the planned implementation dates.