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Organics: A Year of Progress
Autumn 2024 Organics Recycling and Biogas Magazine
Download the Autumn 2024 edition of the Organics Recycling and Biogas Magazine!
Organics 2024 Annual Update
Download the REA Organics Annual Summary
The Role of Enhanced Weathering and Rock Dust-Amended Compost
A running briefing summarising any research on enhanced rock weathering or rock-dust amended compost.
Scotland’s Circular Economy and Waste Route Map to 2030: Consultation Response Analysis
The Scottish Government consulted on their updated ‘Circular Economy and Waste Route Map to 2030’ from January to March of 2024, receiving 156 responses. They recently published their analysis of the consultation responses
Circular Economy Bill Scotland
Legislation giving Ministers and local authorities the tools needed to increase reuse and recycling rates, as well as modernise and improve waste and recycling services, has been passed in Scotland.
International Compost Awareness Week 2024 – Nature’s Climate Champion
Progress Towards an EU Soil Monitoring Law
Progress towards the introduction of an EU Soil Monitoring Law
The LIFE BIOBEST Project identifies key challenges within the bio-waste management cycle and provides policy and regulatory recommendations to address the identified barriers.
The REA Budget Statement Includes Key Asks for the Organics Sector
The REA have responded to a Treasury consultation in advance of HM Treasury’s Spring Statement, set to be delivered by the Chancellor of the Exchequer on 6 March 2024
House of Commons EFRA Committee Report on Soil Health
The House of Commons EFRA Committee released a report on soil health on World Soil Day urging the UK government to prioritise soil health on par with air and water quality.
PAC Report on Delayed Collections and Packaging Reforms
Briefing on the Public Accounts Committee report on Defra’s collections and packaging reforms.
Response to UK EPR consultation and draft list of 13 material types to disincentivise
REA responds to government’s consultation on draft UK-wide Producer Responsibility Obligations (Packaging and Packaging Waste) Regulations and their draft list of 13 material types to disincentivise.
Government publishes guidance on Slurry Infrastructure grant Round 2 for applicants
The Government has published guidance on Slurry Infrastructure grant Round 2 for applicants, and will host a webinar.
REA respond to consultation on the near elimination of biodegradable waste disposal in landfill from 2028
The REA have responded to a Defra consultation on the near elimination of biodegradable waste disposal in landfill from 2028.
Reports on safety of compost and digestates
Reports covering the safety of compost and digestates, from WRAP, Zero Waste Scotland, and the European Commission.
EA guidance on Landspreading to Improve Soil Health
The Environment Agency publish guidance on how to meet requirements of using mobile plant landspreading waste for agricultural benefit.
Scottish Government publish consultation on ending the sale of peat
The Scottish Government have published a consultation on ending the sale of peat, firstly for retail horticulture and secondly for professional horticulture.
EFRA Parliamentary Committee Call for Evidence on Soil Health
The Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs Parliamentary Committee have published a Call for Evidence on Soil Health.
Summit of the Organic Fertilisers Industry in Europe, 17th – 18th January
Second Summit of the Organic Fertilisers Industry in Europe set to be held online and in Brussels from 17th to the 18th of January.