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Maximising resources, minimising waste programme
Government have published a new Maximising Resources, Minimising Waste programme. It was previously known as the Waste Prevention Programme for England.
Government response on food waste reporting by large businesses
The government has published its response to a consultation on improved food waste reporting by large food businesses in England.
Guidance note on soil carbon
The British Society of Soil Science have published a guidance note for land managers on soil carbon, on definitions and measurement.
REA respond to consultation on the near elimination of biodegradable waste disposal in landfill from 2028
The REA have responded to a Defra consultation on the near elimination of biodegradable waste disposal in landfill from 2028.
Update on maize seed dressing
UK regulations will prohibit the import of maize seed treated with widely-used chemicals from Europe. This has the potential to impact bioenergy production and the AD sector.
Vision for packaging system reform
Defra publish Environmental Improvement Plan (2023)
Defra have published the Environmental Improvement Plan (2023) for England, the first revision of the 25 year Environment Plan.
Defra publish provisional common framework for resources and waste
Defra publish policy document “Resources and waste: provisional common framework”, describing how to work together on devolved policy areas.
Waste exemption reforms
Defra’s response on the waste exemption reforms has been published. There are proposed changes to exemptions and removal of some.
Deposit Return Scheme
Defra have published details on the Deposit Return Scheme for drinks containers including information on materials and implementation dates.
Environment Act Targets
Defra have published a summary of consultation responses and the government’s response to the Environment Act 2021 targets.
Update and webinars on Extended Producer Responsibilities for packaging waste
Defra provide update and invitations to webinars on Extended Producer Responsibilities for packaging waste.
REA Members Briefing: Liz Truss Ministerial Appointments
Briefing on the new Secretary of State and Ministerial Appointments.
REA draft response: Environmental Targets Consultation
REA draft response to Defra consultation on Environmental Targets
Government response to EPR consultation
Government has responded to its consultation on Extended Producer Responsibility system for packaging and packaging waste.
Defra guidance on applying Farming Rules for Water
Defra have published guidance for the Environment Agency on applying the Farming Rules for Water, including for Autumn/Winter applications.
Consultation on ending the retail sale of peat in horticulture
Defra have published a consultation that aims to address measures to end the use of peat and peat containing products in the retail sector in England and Wales.
Organics Forum meeting on 7th December
Presentations are now available from the REA Organics Forum meeting on 7th December
Defra update factsheets for the 2020 Environment Bill
Defra update factsheets for the 2020 Environment Bill
REA list of Government funding schemes and competitions
The REA has compiled a list of Government funding schemes and competitions to reach decarbonisation goals.